Holy crudpickles, it's really thundering currently as I'm writing this. As if I haven't gotten enough rain already. Can we please send some rain to California? They desperately need rain out there.
Where was I going with this post? Oh yes, the facts.
- The strongest human muscle in proportion to its size is the tongue. One tongue curl, two tongue curls... 100!
- The human heart creates enough pressure when it pumps blood out into the body to squirt blood 30 feet. Who needs water guns when you have your heart?
- All porcupines float in water. Sorry, nothing witty to say about that. I do have a video of adorable baby hedgehogs sneezing to show you! Not exactly porcupines, but still adorable!
- Rats and horses can't vomit. Ummm, that's, uh, weird.
- Human thigh bones are stronger than concrete. I'm sure there are a whole bunch of witty things I could say about that one, but I don't have the patience right now to actually use my brain. Hehe.
By the way, the n, h, y, and u keys on my keyboard sometimes refuse to work. I'm literally left sitting there repeatedly pressing the keys like:
Function. Function. Function. Function. Function. FUNCTION!!!!! I JUST WANT AN H IS THAT TOO MUCH TO ASK!
Little fyi for you. Whenever I talk in jibberish (see above ^) I'm either really excited, or really angry. Guess which one I am right now? >:(
Oh, and sometimes when I view my blog, my photos won't load. Now that's frustrating.
Wow, I have no idea what just happened. Like I started writing this with an idea in mind, and then I just let my thoughts and fingers run wild. It started out good, then it thundered. I then got it back on track just to end me ranting about my stupid keyboard and blog photos. Eh, whatever.
From my corner to yours,
Jennifer Whyskers