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About Me

Hello! My name is Jennifer Whyskers, and welcome to my corner of the world! I am 14 years old and have two sisters. I also have a dog, a cat, and at least 20 fish. My favorite color is pink. Also:
  • I hate olives.
  • I am allergic to peanuts, horses, tree pollen, mold, cats, and dogs.
  • My hobbies include singing, reading, and hanging with my friends.
  • I have memorized (and promptly forgotten) 300 digits of pi. 3.14159265358979...
  • I am afraid of spiders. 
  • I am full of random facts of uselessness that I find interesting. Everyone else finds them annoying.
  • My favorite food is gelato. Not ice cream, gelato. There is a difference.
  • I like cats. Even though I am allergic to cats.
  • My favorite number is 6. Don't ask me why but it is.
  • I hate mustard.
  • I love bacon dipped in maple syrup.
  • I love listening to music, primarily Taylor Swift and Fall Out Boy. Because Taylor Swift and Fall Out Boy are so similar.

Have any questions? Comment and I will answer ASAP! Maybe.

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I am always interested in other people's opinions, so leave your comments below! I try really hard to reply to every comment left for me so don't be afraid to let your thoughts run wild!

I just ask that you are kind and respectful and refrain from using harsh and cruel language. If you don't have something nice to say, you aren't thinking hard enough.

Jennifer Whyskers