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Friday, August 14, 2015

I'm Addicted to Tic-Tacs

I have braces. Which means no sticky substances, which includes gum. I love gum. Whenever I'm in the car, I'll have a piece of gum (sugar free of course). It's just something nice to chew on to occupy my mouth. It also leaves you with nice smelling breath.

Of course then when I got my braces, it was a little difficult to give up my beloved gum. I needed to find something to replace the gum I normally chew in the car.

What is the solution to that? Tic-tacs. 

I got a large container of fruity tic-tacs for Easter, which I got addicted to. I finished the container in about a week. Whenever I sit near my container, I have to take some. It's really sad actually. My mom keeps tic-tacs in the car for me, and it's very hard to restrain myself from eating the entire container.

Weirdly, I'm not a big fan of the mint tic-tacs, so I don't eat as many of those. But the fruity ones, forget it.

I also get really protective of my tic-tacs. Once I had a party with some friends and two of them decided to help themselves to my tic-tacs. Which is fine, but they took a handful each. I yelled at them for it. They haven't taken my tic-tacs without my consent since.

The only good thing about being obsessed with tic-tacs is that the containers make great bobby pin holders. Just wrap them in some duct tape and voila! A bobby pin container. Oh, and my breath is always fruity fresh.

And mentos. I'm kinda-sorta addicted to mentos too. Not as bad as my mom though. When she needed her crown on her tooth fixed, she couldn't chew gum either. So she bought mentos. Problem is, she'd eat an entire sleeve in one sitting. I'd eat one or two, and my mom would eat the rest. Good thing she doesn't drink soda anymore. 

From my corner to yours.
Jennifer Whyskers

P.S. I'm eating orange tic-tacs as we speak. Or, as I write and you read.


  1. Good idea, Jennifer! Tic-tacs may just be the right substitute for chewing gums. This is good news for people who crave for sticky sweets to munch on, but are not allowed consuming any because of the brace. Anyway, how is it going with your braces journey? I hope all is going well with it. Have a great day! :)

    Jon Mack @ Gentle Dental Online

    1. My braces are going just fine! Thanks for asking! I have a great orthodontist who I am very confident will do a fantastic job on my teeth. I still cannot wait to get my braces off though!

  2. I thought I was weird that I am addicted to tic tags. I have them in my pocket at work all the time!! It’s some sort of oral thing. I wish it would stop !!!


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I just ask that you are kind and respectful and refrain from using harsh and cruel language. If you don't have something nice to say, you aren't thinking hard enough.

Jennifer Whyskers