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Monday, September 21, 2015

Random Facts of Uselessness #10

I am really, really, really bad a consistent posts. Like I suck. I couldn't write consistently if my life depended on it.


  • Scientists hypothesize that for every inch a person is taller than 5 feet, they lose 1.3 years of their life. SEE THERE ARE PERKS TO BEING A LITTLE TIKE!
  • In Utah, it is illegal to swear in front of a dead person. I get being respectful to the dead, but how is this enforced?
  • What is called a "French kiss" in the English speaking world is called an "English kiss" in France. If it's not French, and it's not English, than what is it? Disgusting!
  • Intelligent people have more zinc and copper in their hair. What? Why? Heh?
  • The average talker sprays about 300 microscopic saliva droplets per minute, anout 2.5 droplets per word. That is disgusting. Really disgusting. THIS IS HOW EBOLA SPREADS PEOPLE! (jk jk)
For some reason my signature picture won't come up on my computer so if it doesn't for you, I'm really sorry. I'm trying to fix it. Just bear with me. I can't remember how to fix the code.

Wednesday, September 2, 2015

It's Back to School Time!


You know what angers me about going back to school? I've known the classes I'm in since mid-July and I've known which teachers I have since the beginning of August. Yet, my teachers decided not to give me their supply list till the first the day of school. >:(

Speaking of school, I start this week. And I'm actually really nervous for freshman year. High school here I come!

No but seriously. I'm usually always ready to go back to school. My schedule is normally memorized 15 minutes after I get it, and I've normally mapped out all my classes by the beginning of August. By the middle of August, my locker is organized and decorated.

This year? I can't tell you what my locker is, yet alone where it is.

It's true that since I'm a freshman I have no idea where anything is and it's not fair to expect me to know where my locker is. Except I went to this thingy where a senior showed me around to all my classes and had me open my locker. I could open it, thank god, but two seconds after I left it, I forgot where it was. Good job me!

I asked some of my high school friends where my locker is. They told me I'm in one of the senior hallways. Greaaaaaaaaat. (Total sarcasm there for those who didn't realize that.) It's also nowhere near any of my classes. Which I also don't know where they are either. This year is going to be great! suck.

My first day of school is a half day because it's freshman orientation. Hopefully after that I'll have a better understanding of what the heck I'm doing. Probably not though.

Ugh. My ankle hurts from soccer practice. Soccer has been a blessing and death. It's nice cause it gets me out of bed early so I'm semi-used to getting up at 5:30 (haha no I'm not) and I know some high school kids now that I can ask where the heck I'm supposed to be. But it hurts!

I just realized I only posted once in August. Wow I really suck.

I honestly can't promise how frequently I'll be able to post throughout the school year. It will probably be when I'm procrastinating cause I don't want to do my homework. Like I'm doing now..........

Just kidding. All the homework that is due the first day of school is done. I've accomplished something in the past three months.

I've also been kind of obsessed with gifs lately, and instead of just posting them in a list, I decided to be slightly humorous. So, here is how kids handle summer work, as told through gifs.

When your teacher tells you at the end of the school year you have summer work.
But it's summer! You're not supposed to have homework over the summer!

Then they hand out the summer work, and you realize it's so much work.
How am I expected to finish all of this in two and a half months? I have to get started now.

You get home, ready to start your homework to get it done as quickly as possible.
Yes! I'm going to be done by July!

Then this happens.
You get kidnapped by the internet.

By the end of July, you still haven't touched your homework.
The internet hasn't let you out of its grasp.

Your mom asks if you've started your homework.
Um........ no?

At the start of August, part of your brain panics cause you only have a month left.
The rest of your brain tells you to chill. You have plenty of time!

All your friends want to know if you've started that math assignment because they want to compare answers.
Yeah, haven't started yet.

The week before school starts, you really begin to panic.
Crap! I forgot about my summer homework! I haven't even started!

You quickly jump on your computer to frantically write that essay required.
There are so many spelling errors, you make sure to attach a red pen on the paper for the teacher.

You wish you could this:
How else am I supposed to read a 500 page book in a week?

You then realize why your friends asked for help.
We didn't learn this! How am I expected to know how to do this? Oh God, I'm not going to finish.

Your computer begins to lag from all of your frantic typing and searches.
No, this can't be happening!

When you finish an assignment, you feel like a weight was lifted off your shoulders.
One down, 5 more to go!

You're done! You can finally take a sigh of relief.
Thank God I finished! I am never doing this again.

After staying up all night to finish your homework, you crash.

You tell yourself you are never waiting to do your homework last minute again. Yeah, that never happens. 

FYI: I did exaggerate a ton with this. I did not do this. However, I do know people who waited till the week before school (AKA, now) to do their summer homework. I was smarter than that. Go me!

Happy back to school! Said no student ever.

From my corner to yours,
Jennifer Whyskers