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Sunday, March 6, 2016

Random Things I Find Annoying

Have you ever been living your life like a normal human being and noticed something annoying? Like something small that makes you say, "Well that's annoying," and then promptly forget about it? This happens to me all the time, to the point where I've started writing them down. So, here is a compiled list of random stuff I find annoying that maybe you can relate to.

  • Accidentally using hand lotion as soap. 
  • Being halfway through showering and realizing you ran out of conditioner. 
  • Going to bed with a perfectly made bed, and waking up with the sheets all over your floor. 
  • Painting your nails perfectly just to smudge them trying to see if they're dry. 
  • Missing one spot when shaving. 
  • Putting down your phone just to forget where you put it. 
  • Going to drink a glass of milk and there's none left.
  • Or worse, there's only two drops of milk left. 
  • Getting sprayed by the sink.
  • Accidentally putting in your school locker combination in your gym lock when you're in a rush. Cause of course they're not the same combination. That would be too easy!
  • Forgetting to turn off your lights when you leave the house. 
  • When you think it's Friday, and then you realize it's Thursday. 
  • When you have a song stuck in your head, except you don't know what it is. 
  • When your phone goes from 80% to 20% in all of two seconds. 
  • When your phone dies when it has 30% battery left. 
  • When what you want to wear isn't clean.
  • When you use the wrong where. 
  • Or right.
  • Or too.
  • When you go to correct someone's grammar and you're the one who's wrong.
  • When you can't remember how to spell receive. 
  • Ninja-ing. AKA when someone reads your text but doesn't respond. I'm so guilty of this. 
  • When your internet crashes and you have homework to do.
  • And then you tell your teacher that your internet crashed, and they're all like "That's no excuse."
  • And just homework in general. 
  • Cute DIY ideas gone horribly wrong. 

I hope you can relate to some of these annoying things. It's really satisfying when someone else agrees with something you think is annoying. 

From my corner to yours,
Jennifer Whyskers 

Sunday, February 28, 2016

My Thoughts on Imaginary Numbers

Before you get all freaked out, I'm not going to be teaching you math. I'll just be ranting about it. 

Why do imaginary numbers aka i exist? I am currently in Algebra II and I don't understand the point of them. Like, if you have the square root of a negative number, it doesn't have a solution. I get that. It's imaginary. It doesn't exist. So then what's the point of continuing to solve it? THE ANSWER DOESN'T EXIST. WHAT IS THE BENEFIT OF SOLVING AND GETTING SOME IMAGINARY SOLUTION? IT DOESN'T EXIST!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


What. Is. The. Point. Of. i. It's imaginary. It doesn't exist. Is there some real-world application to imaginary numbers or are they just annoying things we have to deal with? Cause we haven't used them in a real-world application kind of way. And when I ask my teacher, he just says they're important in calculus. Okay, then what is that calculus used for? I don't understand how imaginary numbers can have a real purpose in the world when they don't exist. They. Aren't. Real. I just don't get it. 

It's not that I don't get how to solve imaginary solutions, it's just that I don't get why i exists in the first place. And if there is some reason they do exist, then I just haven't learned it yet. But for now, math sucks. 
Think of the kittens, think of the kittens.

I feel better now.

From my corner to yours,

Jennifer Whiskers

Also, quick side note: I hate logs. 

Wednesday, February 24, 2016


It's been a while. Like a very long time. Like five months long time. *hides in corner*

Now, I'm not going to lie and use the "I've been really busy" excuse. I feel like everyone and their mother has used that excuse. Most of the time, they're lying. Truth is, I kinda forgot................

At first, I was busy, and then I got lazy, and then I just forgot. But I'm back! So that's what really matters. I plan on posting once a week? Maybe twice? Yeah right. 

I'm going to try to fix all of the images that won't show up. I'm really sorry about that but I will fix it. Eventually. :)

Gah, it's really raining right now. Good thing I have a delayed opening tomorrow for teacher in-service! I am so happy I can sleep for an extra two hours.
This is how I feel right now. Super tired. I want to go to bed.

Random thought: So I am in keyboarding this semester because my mom wanted me to take the class. Now, I took a keyboarding class in middle school so I can type really well. Long story short I'm using the exact same program in this class that I did in middle school, so the class is boring. REALLY boring. But, because I can already type, the class is basically a study hall that I get credit for. So, if you can type and need a study hall, think about possibly taking keyboarding. And if you can't type, take keyboarding. It's a really important skill to have.

You want to be this guy. Except don't spray on shoes unless you know how to get them off. 

Also, this is the best computer I've ever seen. 

Alright, that's it for this post cause I want to got to bed. So goodnight moon and house and desk and computer. And, of course, you. Even if you're not going to bed right now. 

From my corner of the world to yours, 

Jennifer Whyskers