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Saturday, June 20, 2015

So...... I'm Valedictorian... (And don't you dare delete my pictures)


I found out about this a while ago but I've just been too "busy" (AKA, lazy) to actually type this out. But today I decided to because I don't want to clean my room either.

Anyway, on Monday, I will be graduating from middle school. I also, as the title says, am valedictorian. Was I shocked? Not necessarily. I've always had straight A's, so I always felt I had a shot at being valedictorian. There was one other boy who I thought might win it because he also was on the high honor roll for most of the year. What was really surprising was that boy didn't win salutatorian. My friend did. Not that my friend isn't smart, she is. I just expected it to be the other boy. (Girl power right here: All four years that I've been in middle school, both the valedictorian and salutatorian of the graduating classes were girls.)

The sucky part? I have to write a speech. And say that speech at graduation. Basically my friend and I FaceTimed each other and complained how we didn't want to write the speech to procrastinate actually writing the speech. Ugh.

But, because I'm a nerd, I included Harry Potter quotes in my speech. I also tried to add tiny bits of humor so it's not boring. I really don't think I succeeded, but whatever.

While trying to write my speech, I contacted one of my friends who was valedictorian last year. She told me to remember that my speech should pretty much say, "Whelp, it was fun while it lasted, but I hate you all and good luck with the rest of your lives." I didn't say that, by the way.

The best part of being valedictorian? I hold the power. Since the valedictorian speech is at the end, I am the reason that people can't leave and go home to their nice houses. Basically, you better be nice to me, or I'll just keep rambling on for hours. Hehehehehehehehehehe!!!!!!!!!!!!!

On an unrelated note, I'm annoyed at my high school. They expect us to get our summer homework offline, but don't give us our schedules to know what classes we need to get the homework from. Logic.

Also unrelated: I got really annoyed at someone the other day. He was looking at a picture off my phone. When he gave it back to me, I realized he deleted most of my pictures. He told me he just deleted some useless selfies and pictures. Um, I'm sorry, but my pictures of Taylor Swift are not useless! Then, he had the audacity to say she sucks. >:( Oh my god did I want to kill him. Thank god I have iOS 8 so I can recover deleted pictures. Oh, and I'm sorry, it's my phone, don't you dare delete my pictures. It's one thing if it's a picture of just you, but pictures of me in DC with my friends? Seriously? He's lucky I had to leave, because I would have strangled him. KABJLEFRHKJABKKLHRBJLERGFKHFJEH!

That's my rage right there. I write jibberish when I'm really excited, or really, really, REALLY angry. Guess which one I am right now.

Wow, I ended way off topic. Guess that's what happens sometimes.

From my corner of the world to yours,

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Jennifer Whyskers