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Saturday, February 14, 2015

Forever Alone on Valentine's day

Hello all you homo-sapiens out there! (Or whatever you are. I do not discriminate species. Aliens are always welcome :)

Today is Valentine's Day, and if you have been living under a rock for your entire life (or happen to be an alien), Valentine's Day is a day for the couples. Every year people express their love for one another through chocolate and flowers.

Unless you are like me. Forever alone. (Just kidding, I'm still young)

For everyone who does not have a significant other, it is just another day for guys (unless they have a crush on someone), and a day of wallowing in sadness watching their favorite love stories for the 50th time for the girls. Actually, I wouldn't know what Valentine's day is like for single guys. I'm not a guy.

Anyway, to brighten everyone's day, I found some hilarious #foreveralone pictures off the wonder that is the internet. You can thank me later.

The date never changes.
Thank you Sheldon for your words of wisdom. 
This pretty much describes how I feel about most people.
This pretty much sums up Valentine's Day. Except I would make the forever alone section even bigger.
15 minutes can save you from 15% more rotten relationships.
This pretty much describes my life.
Is this what guys do on Valentine's day? Huh.
Thank god my school doesn't sell roses. 
This is literally describing my life right now. FOOD!

So for all you people who are like me, at home watching TV today, I hope this will bring you some form of joy. And if you are single, just remember: You just saved yourself $100 and the stress of finding the perfect present! So enjoy yourself and eat some chocolate.

From my corner to yours, 
Jennifer Whyskers

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I just ask that you are kind and respectful and refrain from using harsh and cruel language. If you don't have something nice to say, you aren't thinking hard enough.

Jennifer Whyskers