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Monday, February 9, 2015

Why Being Sick on a Snow Day Stinks

Hello world!

So today my school has another snow day. Which is great. I mean, I love a good snow day. I can sleep until noon, and sit around and be lazy all day. What's not to love?

Except I'm sick. Like I think I have strep sick. But, I can't be sure because I can't go to the doctor today because of the snow. My family only has one 4-wheel drive car, so that's what my dad took to work. The other car can't even get up my driveway! So, I have to wait until tomorrow to go see the doctor.

Which means I have no idea what's wrong with my throat, and I have no medication to soothe it. All I have is allergy medication which works for all of 5 minutes, citrus tea, and cough drops that taste like menthol. Have you ever had a menthol-flavored cough drop? Don't, they are nasty. Really, really nasty. Unfortunately, those are all the cough drops they have, and we can't go out and get more because we can't leave the house.

So basically I've been sitting on my butt all day, drinking tea, eating nasty cough drops, complaining about how my throat hurts, and watching Animal Planet. Because cute kittens and puppies always make life better.
I mean, look at that! I'm going to bop you on your head! BOP! Hehehehehe!!!!!! So cute!
I am actually thinking about taking advice from a cat and a dog and going to sleep. Because sleep is a beautiful thing.

From my corner to yours,
Jennifer Whyskers

(=^ . ^=)
       ('')  ('')___/

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I just ask that you are kind and respectful and refrain from using harsh and cruel language. If you don't have something nice to say, you aren't thinking hard enough.

Jennifer Whyskers