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Sunday, March 29, 2015

The Best Bus Ride I Have Ever Experienced in my Entire Life

If you happen to live on the eastern side of the United States, then you may be experiencing some abnormally cold temperatures for the springtime. I for one, am sick of it.

I want spring weather SOOOOOOOO BADLY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Like seriously winter. GO AWAY!

Anyway, anyone who has ever ridden a school bus during the winter knows that most of the time, the bus drivers are eskimos. CAUSE THEY DON'T TURN ON THE HEAT! It's not even in the positive digits outside, yet the bus driver does not feel the need to heat up a bus that has been sitting in a parking lot all night in -60 degree weather. 

Thanks. I love to have icicles coming down from under my chin when I get to school. 

Now I get that some buses probably don't have heat. Then it's okay if the bus is freezing. Or that the heating mechanism is frozen so it doesn't work, because that is highly likely to happen. But if you have the option of putting on even a miniscule amount of heat, that would be greatly appreciated.

(It's the same with my school. Oh, it's -10 degrees outside? Let's put on the air conditioning! *slaps forehead in frustration*)

However, there is one bus driver that deserves a gigantic raise. Like he should make a million bucks for what he did.

One day, when it was in the negatives outside, I got on my bus expecting to step into the antarctic. What I got was heaven. My bus driver had the heat on! It was the best bus ride in my life! I sat toasty warm by myself listening to Taylor Swift for fifteen minutes while I got a free ride to school. I swear it was like 70 degrees on the bus. 

Heaven. Pure heaven.

Of course, the school just had to be cold. The administration should learn something from my bus driver, the greatest man on Earth. 

From my freezing corner to yours,
Jennifer Whyskers

Sunday, March 22, 2015

Random Facts of Uselessness #5

I haven't done one of these in a while, so I figured, eh! Why not?

Here are some more random facts to enjoy.

  • There are twice as many kangaroos in Australia as there are people. Bouncy bouncy bounce!
  • In Ancient Rome, it was considered a sign of leadership to be born with a crooked nose. Weird.
  • Children grow faster in the springtime. Can't wait for spring. 
  • An average human loses about 200 head hairs a day. Wow we shed a lot.
  • An ostrich's eye is bigger than its brain. Pea-brain. 

And there you go! Completely random, completely useless, as the title implies. That ostrich one is weird though. They also kind of freak me out. They just sit there, all in-your-face like:

Hey! Howya doin friend!

Uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuh? Okay?

From my corner to yours,
Jennifer Whyskers

Friday, March 20, 2015

My Opinion of Humanity Was Just Destroyed by My Language Arts Teacher

Normally when I write on my blog, it's happy, uplifting, or funny (I like to think). However, I would like to take a moment to discuss something that really made me upset. This is a serious topic so I just ask you to bear with me for a moment as I tell you one of the saddest things I have ever heard.

So I recently in Language Arts my teacher made us read an article called "The Dying Girl That No One Helped" that pretty much destroyed my opinion of humanity. Now I recommend you take a moment to read this article, but if you are lazy, I will sum it up for you. You may decide to come back and read it after I summarize it for you.

Basically this girl named Catherine "Kitty" Genovese was walking to her home in New York early in the morning when she was attacked and stabbed by a man who had followed her home. She was stabbed again and again as the killer took at least half an hour to kill the poor girl. During this time, Kitty kept screaming and crying for help. The murderer left shortly after she started screaming, and came back a few minutes later to deliver the fatal blow.

Now, this seems like your typical, really depressing sad story. Except there was no reason Kitty Genovese should have died. At least 38 people witnessed the attack, to the point where one witness could even say that he/she saw the murderer sucking his thumb because he cut himself as he walked away. And yet, no one did anything until after the girl was dead. Kitty even recognized a witness and screamed to him by his name. He did nothing.

Now, I'm not saying that these people should have broke up the fight. I mean, the murderer had a weapon. But one call from the safety of someone's apartment would have probably saved Kitty. All someone needed to do was call the police the instant Kitty was first stabbed. And yet, because the witnesses didn't want to testify in court, no one did anything until the killer had left and Kitty was dead.

To be fair, one person did call out to the killer, telling him to leave the girl alone, but other than that nothing was done to save Kitty.

The point I'm trying to make here is because no one wanted to stand up for Kitty, she is now dead, and there is no way to bring her back. She was only 28 years old. She had her entire life ahead of her, and yet it was taken away from her because no one wanted to pick up their phones and call the police. I get that the murderer had a weapon and all, but the witnesses could have called the police from the safety of their own homes without anyone knowing it was them. And yes, if someone did call the police, there is no guarantee that Kitty would have survived, but she would have had a chance. No one was expecting someone to pull a Batman and run outside and beat up the murderer. All the police wanted was a phone call. ONE DARN PHONE CALL! Gosh world! Is it that hard to push 3 darn numbers on your phone! People heard this poor girl getting murdered and went back to bed!

What has humanity come to?

This article has seriously impacted my view on humanity. And by impacted I mean COMPLETELY DESTROYED! It's going to take a month's worth of happy stories to bring my opinion of humanity back to what it was. In fact, I don't think I will ever view the human race the same way again. We need to stand up for our fellow humans. Don't just sit there and watch things like this happen right in front of you and expect someone else to do something. Imagine if everyone thought the same thing as you did. No one would do anything. Yes it is good to prevent things from happening, but we also have to stop them when we see them. Things like bullying wouldn't happen if people stood up for their peers.

Moral of the story: If you see someone in need, please help them! Then, good karma will come your way and help you the next time you need help.

From my corner to yours,
Jennifer Whyskers

Saturday, March 14, 2015

Braces... Suck

I recently just got my braces. Finally. It has been a long journey of teeth extractions, devices, and trips to my oral surgeon before I could finally get braces. Well, that day has finally come! Yaaaaaay...........

That was total sarcasm right there by the way.

My teeth are very, very, VERY sore at the moment. I can't eat anything unless it is super duper soft or ice cream. And I have it easy. I only need braces on the bottom, so you can't even tell I have them on. You can only see them if you pull down my lip. However, I also have a spring that is part of the wire that rubs against my lip and causes it to blister. It's very painful and the wax that they give you to soothe the rough edges won't stay on the spring, which means I have to use Orajel. That stuff ends up numbing my entire mouth, so I accidentally end up biting on my tongue. Not fun. Not fun at all.

I'm sure all of you people who have had braces on the top and the bottom think I should shut up and stop complaining about my sore bottom jaw. You would be right. Braces-wise, I have it easy. Except for the fact that I need a chain to pull up a tooth that isn't coming in. Oh, and I've already had oral surgery to remove teeth that were in my sinuses. So yeah. I have it easy.

Plus, mine will be on for most of high school, while most people are getting their braces off around now. I'm fortunate that mine are coming off before I go to college. If I go to college (which will most likely happen). Good thing you can't see them when I smile.

The only positive thing that has come out of me getting braces is that yesterday my lunch consisted of French fries and chocolate ice cream. Yum!

Oh and I got to miss a day of school. That is always exciting.

But I can't eat A THING!!!!! It's really frustrating because I love food. Food is my life. And now the thing that once brought me happiness now brings me pain. Not to mention the fact that I can't eat my favorite candy anymore. No skittles, no starburst, and no milky ways.

I can still eat Reese's peanut butter cups! >:(

From my corner to yours,

Jennifer Whyskers 

Thursday, March 5, 2015

My Very Lovely Day: Thurs, March 5th, 2015


So today I had a snow day, which was pretty awesome. I was supposed to take a test in school, but that obviously didn't happen. Which means one more day to study! :)

My day was pretty much filled with catching up on season 5 of Pretty Little Liars (I am OBSESSED!), eating guacamole, and browsing the internet in my pajamas. I literally slept till noon, got up to eat, ate, went back to my room for another couple of hours, came downstairs to eat again, ate some fruit, went back to my room again, and then finally went downstairs for dinner. After dinner, I got off my lazy behind and showered.

So basically, I didn't leave my room unless it involved food. Except for once when my mom wanted me to let my dog out, but I was pretty much brain dead at that time. In fact, I was brain dead for practically my entire day.

I did get one thing accomplished today though. I learned how to roll my r's! rrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr rrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr (For a song that I am singing in my choir there is a part where I need to roll my r's. So I learned how.)
Oh, and if you don't already watch Pretty Little Liars, YOU NEED TO! The show is so amazing I can't even describe how in love I am with it at the moment. It is literally the best show ever. EVER! Like who is A? I want to know SOOOOOOO BADLY! I honestly think it's Aria. Although, I'm not so sure anymore. Is it Ezra? How about Jenna? Or maybe Maya isn't dead, and she's A? What is life?

No seriously, what is life?

Oh, so that's what life is. But it still doesn't tell me who A is!

From my corner to yours,
Jennifer Whyskers