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Sunday, March 29, 2015

The Best Bus Ride I Have Ever Experienced in my Entire Life

If you happen to live on the eastern side of the United States, then you may be experiencing some abnormally cold temperatures for the springtime. I for one, am sick of it.

I want spring weather SOOOOOOOO BADLY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Like seriously winter. GO AWAY!

Anyway, anyone who has ever ridden a school bus during the winter knows that most of the time, the bus drivers are eskimos. CAUSE THEY DON'T TURN ON THE HEAT! It's not even in the positive digits outside, yet the bus driver does not feel the need to heat up a bus that has been sitting in a parking lot all night in -60 degree weather. 

Thanks. I love to have icicles coming down from under my chin when I get to school. 

Now I get that some buses probably don't have heat. Then it's okay if the bus is freezing. Or that the heating mechanism is frozen so it doesn't work, because that is highly likely to happen. But if you have the option of putting on even a miniscule amount of heat, that would be greatly appreciated.

(It's the same with my school. Oh, it's -10 degrees outside? Let's put on the air conditioning! *slaps forehead in frustration*)

However, there is one bus driver that deserves a gigantic raise. Like he should make a million bucks for what he did.

One day, when it was in the negatives outside, I got on my bus expecting to step into the antarctic. What I got was heaven. My bus driver had the heat on! It was the best bus ride in my life! I sat toasty warm by myself listening to Taylor Swift for fifteen minutes while I got a free ride to school. I swear it was like 70 degrees on the bus. 

Heaven. Pure heaven.

Of course, the school just had to be cold. The administration should learn something from my bus driver, the greatest man on Earth. 

From my freezing corner to yours,
Jennifer Whyskers

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I just ask that you are kind and respectful and refrain from using harsh and cruel language. If you don't have something nice to say, you aren't thinking hard enough.

Jennifer Whyskers