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Thursday, April 2, 2015

Dear Mother Nature,

I don't get you. I seriously don't. Like you have some pretty messed up logic from my perspective. Oh, so you decide to give us snow for Halloween, not give us snow on Christmas so I could only dream of a white Christmas, but then you give us snow in April to make up for it?


Oh wait, it was your "April Fools" joke because you happen to have an amazing sense of humor. Well guess what? Not funny. Not funny at all. You know the joke has gone too far when you have to wear gloves and a hat to keep warm in April. April for crying out loud! What happened to April showers and May flowers? Cause at this point I will be surprised if weeds are able to grow.

You tell her kid.

But honestly, I just want winter to be over. Today, it was actually nice outside. And when I mean nice, I mean I walked around outside without a coat and didn't freeze to death. (I probably didn't freeze to death because I am so used to frigid temperatures so that anything over 40 degrees feels like 80). The sun was shining and everything! Which is funny, saying that yesterday it was snowing and the sun was no where to be found. What the heck Mother Nature? Make up your mind!

The good news is, the rest of next week doesn't seem so bad temperature wise. You must be in a pretty good mood right now. There is, however, one day where it will get down to 40 degrees, though. Hey, it's in the positives! *eyeroll*

I really can't complain though. You seem to be making things a little warmer. I hope. You better. I'm sick of wearing sweaters. And I have some cute sweaters. HOW COULD YOU MAKE ME HATE SWEATERS MOTHER NATURE! I didn't even think that was possible. But apparently it is.

Just please continue with the nice weather like today for the rest of eternity. I would really appreciate that. Actually, I think the world would appreciate that.


That is my very nice letter addressed to the one and only Mother Nature. I think she needs therapy.

Just to end on a positive, less-ranty note, here are some hilarious weather memes that I didn't know I needed to see until I went on the internet. Gosh, I love you internet.

This isn't happening now (Thank God) but it did once. Or twice. Or everyday for the past three months.

Fyi, meteorology isn't really an exact science. So that would explain why weather people are always wrong.
I have family in Florida. This makes me very jealous.

This is about the opposite problem than what I've been experiencing, which is probably why I found it so funny.

From my slowly getting warmer corner to yours, 
Jennifer Whyskers

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I just ask that you are kind and respectful and refrain from using harsh and cruel language. If you don't have something nice to say, you aren't thinking hard enough.

Jennifer Whyskers