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Monday, April 6, 2015

Random Facts of Uselessness #6

Hello everyone!

This is my 6th random facts of uselessness. Can you believe it? I actually can.

Got you there! See, I was supposed to say that I can't believe, you know what, whatever.
Please excuse my bad joke that made no sense.

Anyway, since my favorite number happens to be 6, I have decided that from now on I will post a whopping 10 random facts whenever there is a 6 in the random facts number. So, 6, 16, 26, 36, you get the point. 

  • Factoid actually means something that is untrue that is presented as a fact. The dictionary people added the bit that it can be an insignificant true fact later. So, technically, these random facts are not factoids.
  • There are more lifeforms living on your skin then there are people on this planet. Guess who just took the longest, soapiest shower of her life?
  • This one will cheer you up. Otter mates actually sleep while holding hands so that they don't lose each other while they are sleeping. If that isn't the cutest thing I have ever heard then I don't know what is.
  • If you were to remove all of the empty space from the atoms that make up every human on Earth, the entire world population could fit into an apple. Now imagine if that apple fell into the wrong hands. Don't destroy us aliens!
  • There are more iterations in a game of chess than there are atoms in the known universe. So don't even attempt to figure them all out.
  • Russia didn't classify beer as alcohol until 2011. It was previously classified as a soft drink.
  • This is one cat fact I don't like. If a male lion takes over a pride, he executes all of its cubs. :(
  • Two thirds of the people on Earth have never seen snow. Want to come to my house for the winter? By the end, you'll be sick of the snow.
  • The average American drinks 600 sodas a year. Except for me. I don't drink soda at all, unless I have an upset stomach.
  • If you try and suppress a sneeze, you can rupture a blood vessel in your head or neck and die.
And there you have it! Completely random and almost completely uselessness. The one about sneezing is actually kind of helpful. Sort of. Hey, I'm saving lives over here!

From my corner to yours,
Jennifer Whyskers

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Jennifer Whyskers