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Sunday, May 10, 2015

Message to all Mothers

Thank you mothers for being so awesome.

Thank you for putting up with me and my friends. My friends and I are totally insane (especially together), and yet somehow you find a way to put up with us and keep your sanity at the same time. Sort of. :)

Thank you for putting up with my loud obnoxious self that loves to complain about everything. Like that piece of dirt over there is really getting on my nerves, and you still listen to me rant about it. Jk, I don't rant about dirt.

Thank you for nurturing and taking care of me through all of my ups and downs. Thanks for providing me with food and clothing and a nice home. You're the best.

Thank you for being so encouraging. You push me to reach my full potential. Without you, I wouldn't have accomplished the many things I have accomplished so far. Your support has really brought me to where I am today.

Thanks for being a shoulder to cry on when I'm sad. Even though I have no idea why I'm sad half the time. My tear ducts just have a mind of themselves sometimes.

Thank you for putting up with my obsessions. I know you don't understand my deep love for Taylor Swift or R5 or Fall Out Boy, but you still put up with me yelling and screaming whenever one of their songs comes on the radio.

Thank you for spending your life in the car so I can be part of track and choir and drama and all of the other things I do.

Most of all, thanks for being the best mother on the planet. No, the universe. THAT'S RIGHT ALIENS!!!!!! MY MOM IS BETTER THAN YOUR MOM!!!!!

Mom's are literally the best. Don't believe me? Just watch. (Sorry Dad.)

Happy Mother's Day to all you mothers out there. Thanks for being so awesome. (Yes I mean alien moms too.)

From my corner of the world to yours,
Jennifer Whyskers

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I just ask that you are kind and respectful and refrain from using harsh and cruel language. If you don't have something nice to say, you aren't thinking hard enough.

Jennifer Whyskers