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Sunday, May 17, 2015

My Very Lovely Day: May 17, 2015


I have the worst case of post nasal drip at the moment which is why I haven't posted in a very long time. My throat hurts so bad right now. It hurts every time I swallow. I am honestly at the point where I want to rip my throat out. Maybe that will get me some relief. Because none of these allergy medicines are working.

Normally, an allergy pill along with a Mucinex D clears up my symptoms in a few hours. However, today the pills I took aren't working. So, I've been taking a variety of horse pills all day to see what will help. This is what I have found out about allergy medication today.

Mmmhmmm. This is the truth about allergy pills.

On the bright side, I can breathe out of both nostrils! That's good news. So, besides the fact that I want to rip my throat out, my ears are stuffy, and I feel slightly nauseous I am completely fine!

Today, I watched Kitchen Nightmares and Supernatural on Netflix in-between my hour-long naps. Actually, my nausea may be caused by what I was watching. Supernatural is kind of gory at parts, and Kitchen Nightmares makes me scared to eat at restaurants. Some of the horrible food Gordon Ramsay has pulled out of walk-in fridges made me want to throw up. Badly.

If you have never heard of Supernatural before, then what are you doing with your life? Just kidding. If you like ghosts and monsters getting their butts kicked, check it out. The show is fantastic. And hilarious. 

If you do happen to watch Supernatural, YAAAAAAAAY!!!!!!!! You should then get these memes. Maybe. P.S. There may be spoilers for some people. You have been warned. 

True. So True. 

Good reference Sam. I love how Dean has no idea what is going on.

I am not crazy because crazy people don't know they are crazy. I know I'm crazy. Therefore I'm not.

Oh Dean. I don't think that is the smartest thing to say to the cop who has just arrested you. 

When Dean has the chance to name a new creature, he picks Jefferson Starships, because logic.

Ladies and gentleman! Dean Winchester is also Bruce Wayne! That explains a lot.

Sibling goals. 

Basically, Sam and Dean Winchester are amazing brothers who kick supernatural butt. They are the reason I didn't sleep all day. Oh, and Gordon Ramsay screaming at restaurant owners.

Thought that was appropriate there.

From my ill corner to yours,
Jennifer Whiskers

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I just ask that you are kind and respectful and refrain from using harsh and cruel language. If you don't have something nice to say, you aren't thinking hard enough.

Jennifer Whyskers