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Saturday, April 25, 2015

A Puzzling Question #2

Then why is the world so complicated?

I'm writing this at 11:20 at night because why not?

Have you ever stopped and thought about how complicated life really is? Like just the fact that we exist is complicated, yet alone the fact that I am communicating to you via the internet. Nothing in life is simple. Like even something as simple as colors is actually very complicated. (Infrared and ultraviolet light, anyone?) Every aspect of our lives is filled with some of the most ingenious and confusing things the world has to offer. I have decided to list some of the things in this world that may seem simple but are actually very complicated, or just complicated to begin with. And my reasons for doing so are, should I say, complicated.

  • How humans came to be. Now I don't care what religion you believe in (actually I find religion fascinating) but no matter what your religion says is the cause for our existence, it's pretty complicated. Even if you believe we just showed up, how? Why? When? Complicated. If you believe some other force, like a god or goddess, created us, once again why did they? How did they? And if you believe in evolution, that is some complicated stuff right there.
  • As I said before, colors. Technically nothing is an actual color. It's the way we perceive the light bouncing off objects. Pretty cool, and pretty complicated.
  • Numbers. In fact, all of math. Like who came up with this stuff? How does it all work together? Why does it work? So many unanswered questions.
  • Language. WHO CAME UP WITH IT! If you ever find out, let me know. I'd like to speak with the creator of the English language and complain about the annoying grammar rules that are broken anyway.
  • Trees. Random, right? But the process of photosynthesis for a tree is highly complicated, and therefore deserves to make this list.
  • Science. Do I really need to explain this one?
  • The stars. Did you know, when you look at the stars, you are actually seeing light from hundreds of years ago? Complicated.
  • The dictionary. Who decided the definitions for everything? 
  • Planes. What kind of wizardry keeps them up in the air? Lots of engine power and complicated aerodynamics. And Harry Potter.
  • Speaking of Harry Potter, that's another complicated thing. Those books are so interwoven that J.K. Rowling had to have written the entire series in her head first.
  • The internet. What do you mean there's a giant satellite in space that connects me to the greatest resource of all time?
  • People's personality. No one is simple. Everyone has their own complicated thoughts, feelings, desires, likes, and dislikes. Just trying to comprehend it makes my brain hurt.
The point I'm trying to make here, or the question I'm trying to ask is, is anything ever simple? Can anything ever be simple? Just the composition of objects is complex. Combined with their actual functions? Forget about it.

So I guess Einstein meant that even when the world is as simple as possible, it's still complicated.

From my complicated corner to yours, 
Jennifer Whyskers

P.S. I used the word "complicated" 18 times. Including the complicated in quotes in the last sentence. Darn it! That's 19.

Thursday, April 9, 2015

Some Upsetting News

Hello guys!

I know my last post was about Taylor Swift, and I don't necessarily like to post two posts in a row on the same topic. But I have to make an exception this time.

This morning, Taylor, on her Tumblr, posted an update about her mom. Taylor Swift wanted her mom to go to the doctors near Christmastime just to make sure that everything was alright and she was healthy. There were no red flags, but some tests were done just to be safe. The results came back, and were very upsetting.

Taylor's mom, Andrea, has been diagnosed with cancer. Taylor hasn't revealed what kind of cancer or Andrea's treatment plan in the interest of privacy, which I think she deserves. From what Taylor revealed, I am hoping the doctor caught the cancer early, so it can be treated.

Andrea wanted Taylor to tell her fans about her cancer because Andrea wants fans to have their parents got to the doctor. She wants Taylor's fans to bug their parents to get checked regularly for cancer because catching cancer early means a greater chance of curing it and an easier battle.

Taylor, I just want to let you know your fans are here for you. Andrea is going to be in millions of fans' hopes and prayers. And to all of you out there, push your parents to go to the doctor frequently. 
From my corner to yours,
Jennifer Whyskers

P.S. I make sure my mom and dad go to the doctor frequently. It's really calming knowing that your parents are healthy.

Wednesday, April 8, 2015

Reasons Why I Love Taylor Swift

Good evening kind people of the internet!

Unless you have been living under a rock for the past decade (which is totally fine, I happen to love rocks), you probably know who Taylor Swift is. If you don't, that's fine too! Because I'm about to educate you on the genius that is Taylor Swift, and why I happen to love her so much.

1: Her Music

First of all, there is something to be said about an artist who actually writes their own music. There is also something to be said about someone who pours their entire being into their songs. Taylor Swift actually writes her songs about her own experiences and relationships-- which means her songs are full of emotion and are genuine. Taylor's music tells a story, almost like a poem. The emotion and feelings that Taylor pours into her music really shows through the lyrics, making the songs memorable and inspirational.

And for all of you that are angry that all she does is bash her ex boyfriends and that she should grow up, I would like to argue with you. (Fyi, you're about to lose.) First of all, most of her songs are either about positive relationships, or not about a relationship at all. Even the ones that are slightly negative don't always bash the actual boyfriend. Sometimes her songs are just about how it wasn't working out. Let's take her latest album, 1989, for example.

1. WELCOME TO NEW YORK- Not about a relationship at all.
2. BLANK SPACE- This one talks about a dysfunctional relationship, but it makes fun of Taylor more than it bashes an ex.
3. STYLE- More about a dysfunctional relationship, not about how she hates an ex.
4. OUT OF THE WOODS- Once again, a dysfunctional relationship. This one is positive and Taylor wants this relationship to last.
5. ALL YOU HAD TO DO WAS STAY- This one is probably the one where she "bashes" the boyfriend the most. However, she's not saying she hates him. Taylor is just saying that it's too late for him to win her over.
6. SHAKE IT OFF- Not really about a relationship either. The one mention of an ex-man isn't bashing him. All Taylor is saying is that she is shaking that relationship off and getting over him and the haters.
7. I WISH YOU WOULD- Taylor wants her ex to come back. Not bashing him at all.
8. BAD BLOOD- It sounds like she is bashing a boyfriend, but she has confirmed that it's not about an ex at all. It's about a fellow female singer, rumored to be Katy Perry. So, not about a boyfriend.
9. WILDEST DREAMS- Taylor knows this relationship isn't going to last, but she wants him to remember her and look back on the relationship fondly. She isn't basing him at all.
10. HOW YOU GET THE GIRL- Taylor sings about how to win someone back. No meanness in this song either.
11. THIS LOVE- More about a dysfunctional relationship where the love keeps coming back to her. 
12. I KNOW PLACES- Song about how the reporters keep stalking Taylor and ruining her relationships and how Taylor hopes to hide from them.
13. CLEAN- At the end of the relationship, Taylor just has to let him go. Not really bashing him, but just saying it's over, and she has to let him go.
14. WONDERLAND- Dysfunctional relationship. Not bashing at all.
15. YOU ARE IN LOVE- Song about another couple finding out they love each other. No boyfriend-hating here.
16. NEW ROMANTICS- This one I think is about young people who fall in and out of love very quickly. Taylor just sings about how dysfunctional the relationships are. Not mean at all. 

Oh, are you telling me that there isn't one song that is a definite "let's hate on my boyfriend" in her new album? Huh. 

And if you are going to bring up about her previous albums, the past is in the past. (But if you were, you'd see there are also positive songs on her previous albums too)

Secondly, it's not like writing songs about previous relationships is exclusive to Taylor! Other artists, (Maroon 5, Bruno Mars, Carrie Underwood, Beyonce, P!nk, just to name a few) have written their fair share of boyfriend-bashing music too. No one's hating on them, now are they? Also, would you rather Taylor egg her ex's cars and beat their cars up with golf clubs? No? Then stop the hate. Please.

Do you honestly want this to actually happen?

And if you complain that she has had too many boyfriends, she's 25! Give her a break! She's allowed to live!

2: Her Voice

If you don't think Taylor has an amazing voice, watch this video. Then maybe you will understand.

3: Her Generosity

Taylor has done some amazing things for her fans. First, there was Swiftmas, where Taylor would send personalized Christmas gifts to her fans. Not like merchandise or anything, but actual presents.

Also, she visits fans in the hospital and sings to them. And she hunts down fans to meet them. And she gives the best advice to Swifties. Therefore she is amazing. 

4: Her Dancing

Taylor Swift is known for her bad dancing. She will actually be the first one to tell you she can't dance. 

The reason why I love it so much is because she's not afraid to let herself loose and dance. She's not afraid to be herself, and she doesn't care what other people think.
Taylor. Please never stop being you.

5: She Reminds Me of My Uncle

I know that sounds really strange, but just hear me out for one second. When I was young, about 7 or 8, I had wild blonde curly hair that was similar to Taylor's when she was younger.
Kind of like that, but a lot less perfect, and a little more brown.

My uncle always used to compare my hair to Taylor's, saying that all I needed was a guitar and I could be Taylor Swift for Halloween. (I'd also need some insanely amazing song writing skills, but close enough). Every single time I saw him, he would say that I looked like her.

He passed away from cancer when I was about 12. Now, even though Taylor cut her hair short, she reminds me of him. 

Gosh, I'm getting really teary-eyed just writing this. Side effect of being overly emotional. And I really miss him. 

Even if you didn't have an uncle that used to call you Taylor Swift, there are certainly plenty of reasons to love her. And if you don't like her, that's fine too. Everyone is entitled to their own opinion. But please, don't hate on her or insult her. Respect her just like you would want your idol to be respected. 

On a more happy note, check out this amazing mash-up of Shake it Off by Taylor Swift and All About that Bass. Perfection. (I also really like Meghan Trainor)

Isn't that cool!

From my corner to yours,
Jennifer Whyskers

Monday, April 6, 2015

Random Facts of Uselessness #6

Hello everyone!

This is my 6th random facts of uselessness. Can you believe it? I actually can.

Got you there! See, I was supposed to say that I can't believe, you know what, whatever.
Please excuse my bad joke that made no sense.

Anyway, since my favorite number happens to be 6, I have decided that from now on I will post a whopping 10 random facts whenever there is a 6 in the random facts number. So, 6, 16, 26, 36, you get the point. 

  • Factoid actually means something that is untrue that is presented as a fact. The dictionary people added the bit that it can be an insignificant true fact later. So, technically, these random facts are not factoids.
  • There are more lifeforms living on your skin then there are people on this planet. Guess who just took the longest, soapiest shower of her life?
  • This one will cheer you up. Otter mates actually sleep while holding hands so that they don't lose each other while they are sleeping. If that isn't the cutest thing I have ever heard then I don't know what is.
  • If you were to remove all of the empty space from the atoms that make up every human on Earth, the entire world population could fit into an apple. Now imagine if that apple fell into the wrong hands. Don't destroy us aliens!
  • There are more iterations in a game of chess than there are atoms in the known universe. So don't even attempt to figure them all out.
  • Russia didn't classify beer as alcohol until 2011. It was previously classified as a soft drink.
  • This is one cat fact I don't like. If a male lion takes over a pride, he executes all of its cubs. :(
  • Two thirds of the people on Earth have never seen snow. Want to come to my house for the winter? By the end, you'll be sick of the snow.
  • The average American drinks 600 sodas a year. Except for me. I don't drink soda at all, unless I have an upset stomach.
  • If you try and suppress a sneeze, you can rupture a blood vessel in your head or neck and die.
And there you have it! Completely random and almost completely uselessness. The one about sneezing is actually kind of helpful. Sort of. Hey, I'm saving lives over here!

From my corner to yours,
Jennifer Whyskers

Sunday, April 5, 2015

A Puzzling Question

First of all, I just want to wish you all a Happy Easter! I hope the Easter bunny was good to you and got you lots of chocolate eggs and jellybeans.

In science class the other day, we were learning about motion. The scientific way of how to determine if someone or something is in motion is by comparing the object to a reference point. If the distance between the object and the reference point changes, then you know that the object is in motion. My teacher also said that a good reference point is a stationary object, like a building or a tree. Which makes sense if you think about it. To determine if something is in motion, you would want to compare the object to something that isn't moving.

That got me thinking. We are all on Earth, right? (To those of my readers on Mars or any other planet, bear with me for a second) We all know that the Earth rotates on its axis. We also know that the Earth revolves around the sun. We don't feel this motion because we compare ourselves to objects that are moving with us. Think about it. If you are sitting next to someone while riding in a car, you aren't moving compared to that person. You only realize you are moving when you look out the window and see stationary reference points. So, since we compare ourselves to objects that are moving at the same velocity (speed and direction, for those of you who aren't in a physics class), our brains don't think we are moving.

That also got me thinking. If the Earth is moving, and everything on Earth is moving with it, is anything on Earth actually stationary?

I haven't had the opportunity to ask my science teacher about this, but I did ask my dad. He pretty much shrugged his shoulders and told me to ask my science teacher.

In my opinion, nothing is stationary according to its definition because technically, everything is in motion. However, I think that the definition of stationary needs to be changed to not include the Earth's movement.

I want to know what you think. Is anything on Earth actually stationary? Or should we just ignore the Earth's movement in whether or not we determine if an object is stationary? I am open for all ideas since this really does not have one correct answer. Leave your opinion in the comments and I will reply.

From my puzzled corner to yours,
Jennifer Whyskers

Thursday, April 2, 2015

Dear Mother Nature,

I don't get you. I seriously don't. Like you have some pretty messed up logic from my perspective. Oh, so you decide to give us snow for Halloween, not give us snow on Christmas so I could only dream of a white Christmas, but then you give us snow in April to make up for it?


Oh wait, it was your "April Fools" joke because you happen to have an amazing sense of humor. Well guess what? Not funny. Not funny at all. You know the joke has gone too far when you have to wear gloves and a hat to keep warm in April. April for crying out loud! What happened to April showers and May flowers? Cause at this point I will be surprised if weeds are able to grow.

You tell her kid.

But honestly, I just want winter to be over. Today, it was actually nice outside. And when I mean nice, I mean I walked around outside without a coat and didn't freeze to death. (I probably didn't freeze to death because I am so used to frigid temperatures so that anything over 40 degrees feels like 80). The sun was shining and everything! Which is funny, saying that yesterday it was snowing and the sun was no where to be found. What the heck Mother Nature? Make up your mind!

The good news is, the rest of next week doesn't seem so bad temperature wise. You must be in a pretty good mood right now. There is, however, one day where it will get down to 40 degrees, though. Hey, it's in the positives! *eyeroll*

I really can't complain though. You seem to be making things a little warmer. I hope. You better. I'm sick of wearing sweaters. And I have some cute sweaters. HOW COULD YOU MAKE ME HATE SWEATERS MOTHER NATURE! I didn't even think that was possible. But apparently it is.

Just please continue with the nice weather like today for the rest of eternity. I would really appreciate that. Actually, I think the world would appreciate that.


That is my very nice letter addressed to the one and only Mother Nature. I think she needs therapy.

Just to end on a positive, less-ranty note, here are some hilarious weather memes that I didn't know I needed to see until I went on the internet. Gosh, I love you internet.

This isn't happening now (Thank God) but it did once. Or twice. Or everyday for the past three months.

Fyi, meteorology isn't really an exact science. So that would explain why weather people are always wrong.
I have family in Florida. This makes me very jealous.

This is about the opposite problem than what I've been experiencing, which is probably why I found it so funny.

From my slowly getting warmer corner to yours, 
Jennifer Whyskers