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Friday, January 23, 2015

My Very Lovely Day: Fri, Jan 23, 2013

My day today was just great. AKA, my day sucked. First of all, my sister has the stomach bug. I don't want the stomach bug! I love my sister to pieces, but please don't share your germs with me. No one wants to be up all night throwing up. And if you do, you are crazy. Absolutely crazy.

Besides that, math class was boring and confusing. Right at the moment we are learning about triangles and different lines and points in triangles and I can't keep them straight. What the heck is the difference between the orthocenter, centroid, circumcenter, and incenter? And, why the heck do we need to be able to find this stuff anyway? Oh, and actually doing the work and getting really ugly fractions? Forget it. It's not happening.

As usual, my teacher gave me homework. Fun. That right there brings down the rest of my day. 20 questions with parts A, B, and C. Oh, and don't forget part D!

Oh, but wait! It gets worse!

The time between math class and lunch was pretty uneventful. I got a 100 on my Spanish test (YAAAY!!!) and my friends made me laugh to the point where I started crying (Fun Fact: When I laugh, I cry. It just happens.) Then, I went to study hall. That is where things took a turn for the worse.

Normally I have a study hall at the end of the day because I go to my high school in the morning for geometry. Normally, that is when I do my homework so I don't have to do it when I get home. Well, someone decided that that would be a great time to have an assembly about what the other grades were doing in their classes. So guess who didn't get to finish their homework?

If you guessed Santa Claus, you are correct! *eyeroll*

After that assembly, I went to walk to my bus as usual when I see a crowd of people on my bus crowding my principal. Apparently they couldn't find our bus. Well, then we were told our bus was the second to the last bus, which it wasn't.

Btw the bus driver whose bus was the second to last got very angry when one kid went to ask him a question. I know you want to get home bus driver, but so do we! We have homes to go to too!

Turns out our bus had broken down. The even better part was that on the morning bus, kids say they saw something that looked like a gear fall off the bus and roll across the road, yet our bus driver didn't feel the need to get the bus checked out. So, we waited for half an hour for a new bus. Instead of getting home at my normal 3:45, I got home at 4:15. >:(

The only bright side to my day is now that I'm home, I can sit in my room, watch Netflix, and put Fall Out Boy's new album on repeat. Oh, and do my math homework.

Remember: I am your worst, I am your worst nightmare. (Naa Naa Naa Naa Na, Na Naa Naa Naa Naa)

(If you can tell me what song that is from, leave it in the comments, and you will be praised for your knowledge. And I may just mention your blog or something.)

From my corner to yours,
Jennifer Whyskers

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I just ask that you are kind and respectful and refrain from using harsh and cruel language. If you don't have something nice to say, you aren't thinking hard enough.

Jennifer Whyskers