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Friday, January 16, 2015

Why People Scare Me Sometimes

Hello everyone!

Welcome to my very first rant! I hope you enjoy this because I found this rather annoying.

Recently my friend showed me this tweet that someone had tweeted on Twitter that really made me question the IQ of our fine country. And the tweet said something like this:

Harry Potter confuses me. I honestly don't understand why they would make 7 horrible and stupid books after 8 incredible movies.
Seriously? Have you been living under a rock for the past 20 years? Or have you just isolated yourself in your house? The books came first!

And this is my opinion, but the books were so much better than the movies. (Except for maybe the fifth one; in the book Harry was a brat.) Even if you don't like Harry Potter, the books are far from stupid. The story line and books are so interconnected it is as if J.K. Rowling wrote the entire series in her head before she started. Things that happen in the seventh book could only have happened if something in the first book happened and minor things that you wouldn't think would impact the plot at all affect the story so much. For example, the fact that Lily's patronus was a doe impacted Severus, who was in love with her. His patronus took the form of a doe, and it was he who cast the patronus which led Harry to the sword of Gryffindor in the last book. Since Lily Potter's patronus was a doe, Harry at first thought the patronus was his mother's.

See! Far from stupid, like Harry Potter is on a different dimension than stupid and that tweet.

This tweet really scared me though. Unless it was written by a two-year-old (who shouldn't be on Twitter), this person should have known that the books almost always come before the movies. What makes people think otherwise is because there is always that percentage of the population that only reads the street signs and wouldn't be caught dead on the same street as a bookstore. Want to go to Starbucks? Oh sorry, I can't, there is a bookstore right down the street. Seriously people! Why don't people read anymore?

Until next rant, from my corner to yours,
Jennifer Whyskers

P.S. Obviously if you have read this far into this post you are not one of those people who don't read anything. You're reading right now.


  1. Just stumbled upon your blog and wanted to let you know how much I'm enjoying it.Definitely following. <3

  2. Hey! As a HUGE Harry Potter fan, this is quite scary.


I am always interested in other people's opinions, so leave your comments below! I try really hard to reply to every comment left for me so don't be afraid to let your thoughts run wild!

I just ask that you are kind and respectful and refrain from using harsh and cruel language. If you don't have something nice to say, you aren't thinking hard enough.

Jennifer Whyskers