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Thursday, January 15, 2015

Welcome to My Corner!

Hello Everyone!

Welcome to my very own corner of the world! I have decided to open up my corner of the world to you for your enjoyment. My corner consists of, well, me, my computer, my ingenious mind (Hehe no.), and of course you. It may sound boring to you now, but trust me when I say that I am far from boring. At least I hope I am.

My one rule for this blog is quite simple: Leave your problems behind at the pressing of my blog. I honestly hope I can help you forget your woes for least 5 minutes with my hilarious sense of humor (Which doesn't exist!) and the countless things that make me angry. Because sometimes all you need to feel better about yourself is to read about someone facing the same problems as you are, having the same complaints as you do, and ranting on about how sometimes, life can be pretty sucky. And trust me, I will do a lot of ranting. Better to rant here to an accepting, understanding Internet than to my friends and family, who are sick of me and my complaints.

Cause the Internet is so accepting and understanding.

Anyway, I just want to say I am thoroughly excited to finally open my corner's doors and present to you a piece of me and my life. My corner is about to get a little bit bigger, which is pretty cool if you ask me.

I hope there is enough room!

From my corner of the world to yours,
Jennifer Whyskers

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I am always interested in other people's opinions, so leave your comments below! I try really hard to reply to every comment left for me so don't be afraid to let your thoughts run wild!

I just ask that you are kind and respectful and refrain from using harsh and cruel language. If you don't have something nice to say, you aren't thinking hard enough.

Jennifer Whyskers